Norbert Passarge
Twenty-five years experience restructuring businesses in high voltage product companies, both large and small. Integration of medium-size companies into a large-scale enterprise and growing up the high voltage instrument transformer business to world market leader. Usually held executive leadership roles in general management focusing on business development, product technology and operations, product and manufacturing technology transfer in / to Asia, Europe, North and South America.
2012 - 2015 TRIDELTA GmbH - Hermsdorf, Germany
Managing Director
- Led two smaller European surge arrester Companies in restructuring process to sell the business as profitable as possible.
- Main focus on product and technology value assessment, market opportunity identification and business development in Asia and South Americ
- Developed strategic supplier relationships in China and India for components.
2008 - 2011 SIEMENS Corp. – Instrument Transformer Business - Erlangen, Germany
Chief Executive Officer
- Led organizational integration of six worldwide operating legal companies producing high voltage instrument transformers in Canada, China, French, Germany, India and Italy into Siemens Corp. organization.
- Raised initial business volume from €250M to €300M and the business result (Ebit) from 5% to 10%.
- Directed a new sales channel management system integrating the individual established channels into the Siemens sales organization in order to achieve the optimal one for customer and to enhance synergies to extend the market leader position.
- Directed a product and product technology portfolio review to achieve one common portfolio in order to optimize the value proposition and the shortest direct way to the customer.
- Developed a common strategic supplier network, based on a common product portfolio and using the strength of the individual companies.
- Led the project preparation and execution to build a brand new factory for gas insulated instrument transformers up to 800 kV in India.
- Led the project "Lean Thinking", to implement in all companies a continuous improvement culture; recruited a core team, educated high potentials within the companies and rolled out best practices between the companies.
2005 – 2008 SIEMENS Corp. – High Voltage Product Business - Erlangen, Germany
Head of Supply Chain Management
- Led as Deputy Integration Project Head the preparation and execution of Trench Ltd., Canada and VATech Austria integration into Siemens Power Transmission Division.
- Coordinated the evaluation of product & manufacturing technologies, the level of different supply chains and productivity policies for Circuit Breaker, Disconnectors, Surge Arresters, Instrument Transformer, Bushings and Coils.
- Led, after hot phase of integration the supply chain for all concerned products integrated and the related business units in a preliminary organization structure comprising a turnover of €600M and about 5.000 employees in 12 countries.
- Developed corporate processes and "cost-down" road map, matching product features, performance, and benefits to market needs / voice of the customer.
- Built the supply chain team; hired senior leaders for strategic purchasing and logistics.
- Developed the program "Lean Thinking" to implement a corporate continuous improvement culture.
- Responsible for material & logistics within the team R&D project team to develop a common product and technology portfolio.
- Led project to "Fit for Future" optimizing the manufacturing location in regard to product portfolio, products technologies; coordinated transfers of technology.
1998 – 2005 SIEMENS Corp. – Power Transformer Business - Nuremberg, Germany
Managing Director for Power Transformers and Smoothing Reactors
- Led restructuring of power transformer business; implementation of transparent business controlling processes; preparation of Profit center organization and responsibility along the supply chain.
- Directed a program to implement project management per power transformer contract to improve the process transparency for both, internal and customers.
- Led big customer projects acquisition and execution such as Three Gorges / State Power Grid China, one of the first 500 kV HVDC projects for energy transmission of 3.000 MW from Yangtze Dam power plant over around 1.000 km to Shanghai; Led the Transfer of Technology to and the Joint Manufacturing with Chinese partner for 3 of 31 HVDC and 3 of 16 step up transformers; Led the planning and construction of Shenyang Power Transformer Factory, necessary for joint manufacturing obligation;
- Led a program to reduce the manufacturing lead time for power transformers by 40% based on implementation of Kaizen procedures.
1997 - 1998 Tridelta Ltd. - Hermsdorf / Dortmund, Germany
Managing Director
- Led the operative businesses of Hard Ferrites, Soft Ferrites, Special Magnets, Surge Arresters and Energy supply Ltd.
- Developed and implemented the corporate strategy and formulated technical strategy and development priorities for the business units.
- Developed operating plans and technology roadmap; identified and prioritized market opportunities, managed resources and finances to execute the strategy.
- Preparation of a stock quotation for TRIDELTA Magnet Technology Holding Ltd., Johannesburg, South Africa.
1994 – 1997
Tridelta Ltd. - Hermsdorf, Germany
General Manager – Surge Arresters
- Led the Profit Center -Surge Arresters- (from 1996 on a limited liability company) of TRIDELTA Ltd. comprising all relevant business areas.
- Raised the business from DM6.6M ('93) to DM18M ('97); recruited the team and structured the product development organization.
- Established manufacturing and development partnership with Raychem Corp., for new surge arrester product line.
1993 – 1994 Tridelta Ltd. - Hermsdorf, Germany
General Manager – High Voltage Ceramics
- Led the Profit Center -High Voltage Ceramics- of TRIDELTA Ltd., producing high Voltage Insulators, Surge Arrester housings, Steatite and special Oxide Ceramics; Business volume about DM20M;
- Developed key strategic relationships for product development with customers in Western Europe and South America;
1990 – 1993 Keramische Werke Hermsdorf Ltd. - Hermsdorf, Germany
Department Manager, Business Administration
- Foundation of preconditions for conviction of a socialism public enterprise in a market economy based business after introduction of the currency reform in the former GDR.
- Developed basic processes such as controlling, purchasing, personal, data processing
- Closing non-productive business units; reducing no. of employees from about 8.000 to less than 4.000
1988 – 1990 Keramische Werke Hermsdorf Ltd. - Hermsdorf, Germany
Development Engineer – Surge Arrester Department
- Designed, constructed and managed prototypes of ZnO Surge Arresters ≥ 110 kV
- Developed product servicing of engaged SiC Surge Arresters ≥ 110 kV
- Developed diagnostic equipment for ZnO Surge Arresters
- Developed thermal modelling of ZnO Surge Arresters
Publications & Patents 8 publications and 3 patents.