Thomas Kritzler
Management functions in Finance and Administration (Finance, Human
Resources, Purchasing and Logistics) for independent corporations as well
as national subsidiaries or the European entity of international companies
(VP-Finance Europe), but also in VC-financed Start-Ups, or PE investments.
Management responsibility for companies of 50 to 5.000 employees and sales
between several million EUR and several billion EUR.
Business Development from Business Plan to its implementation, as well as
Raising capital in negotiations with financial institutions, establishing new
banking relations, and negotiate additional financing with shareholders and VCs.
M&A Experience on buy- as well as sell-side, for companies and parts of
companies in Germany, Italy, Denmark and Australia.
Professional Career:
Pre-Industry: University Assist./lecturer at Institute for Innovations Research
and Strategic Management University of Innsbruck, Austria
1977-1983 McKinsey & Co, Düsseldorf and Munich, Management Consulting, projects for
product-/market- as well as corporate strategies, and organisation, in GY and USA
1984-1991 Raychem (today part of Tyco), Munich and Menlo Park, California, USA
1985-88 Site Manager (executive direct.) Germany, sales € 150 m, 800 employees
1989-91 Director of Corporate Planning ww, sales USD 1,200 m, 11,000 employees
1991-1993 Hurth Getriebe und Zahnräder GmbH, Munich (gearboxes and gears)
CEO, sales € 75 m, 800 employees, acquisition of a plant in East Germany,
management responsibility for a plant/sister subsidiary in Italy
1993/1994 FEN GmbH, Neustadt/Sachsen (sub.of Deutsche Teuhand) Mechan. Engineering, CFO/CAO, reducing staff from 1,500 to 500 employees, sold to private investor
1994-1997 Bristol-Myers Squibb GmbH, Munich, (Pharmaceutical)
1994/95 CFO (& admin. director Germany) with responsibility for the plant in GY,
GmbH: sales € 450 m, 1,300 employees, included M&A-activities
1995/97 VP Finance und IT Europe, Europe: USD 2,500 m, 5,000 employees
1997-1999 STN-Atlas Elektronik, Bremen (Defence Electronics)
CFO (& admin. director) company und CEO Marine division, co-lead restructuring
+ growth in international activities, bought company in Australia.
JV of Rheinmetall and British Aerospace, sales € 800 m, 4,800 employees
2000-2004 HL Planartechnik, start-up, Dortmund (Chip sensors, MEMS Technology)
Co-invested into the company. Although there was the original idea of an IPO,
company was finally sold in 2005 to a strategic investor from the USA.
Acted as managing shareholder, CFO, partly CEO Devel. company with founder, securing financing for a doubling of sales in 4 years.
VC-financed (ETH, 3i, NRW-Fund), sales € 15 m, 120 employees (in 2004)
2005-2006 Consulting and Interim-Mgmt, Senior-Advisor with a private equity firm, Munich,
supporting due-diligence-studies, part time CFO for a portfolio company,
introducing capital profitability reporting by segment for this portfolio company
2007 Vivanco Gruppe AG, Ahrensburg, VP Finance, Admin., Marketing and Purchasing,
listed on the German stock exchange, sales € 130 m, 500 employees in seven
internat. subsidiaries in Europe plus sourcing company in China, secured survival
of company through sale-and-lease back transaction with Scandinavian investor
at the beginning of the subprime crisis, Director in the Chinese subsidiary.
2008-2009.1 Genthe Glas AG, Goslar, CFO/partly CEO, supplier of glass to the automot.Industr. Search for new potential investors, supported later the insolvency administrator.
2009 Mauser AG, Brühl, acting CFO, sales € 1,000 m 4,000 empl., secondary buy-out,
managed debt buy back and supported restructure, introduced new cash forecasting
system and RoNA as performance measure.